Vibrational Essences Bundle


Vibrational Essences Bundle

Sale Price:A$158.00 Original Price:A$198.00


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About Clear

Clear is the gatekeeper of balance and harmony. It is to be used around a person’s body & auric field or in a space. “Clear” disperses negative emotions, feelings and energy. It supports clearing away other people’s negative impressions upon a person or place. “Clear” supports the person and space to be in alignment with the Earth star & Soul star. To be connected to their Soul, their true north, their own radio station.

Using “Clear” around a person’s body & energy field and space brings about love, oneness and harmony. It restores balance and positive, healthy chi. 

When to use clear

Around body & energy field:

- At the end of your working day.

- After being around people that drain you.

- If you’re an energy therapist after each client.

- When your mind or emotional state is feeling as though it needs a lift.

Around space:

- Once visitors leave the home

- If the home or space doesn’t feel right.

- Around your kids or pets that seem a little out of sorts.

- When you are on holidays in your accommodation, especially on the pillow. 

- Where there has been an argument or stressful situation.

Clear Affirmation
“I now invoke CLEAR. I am 100% willing and able to release blockages within my body, mind, soul and space. My body and space are a clear channel of heavenly and earthly light. I am Oneness.”